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" Jojoba Oil " solution to adult acne.


Struggling with adult acne? Acne keeps bothering us a lot and sometimes  gives us a low self-esteem.We have to cover them up with makeup. If you've ever suffered from acne or even just blemish prone skin you know what it feels like.

There are so many  women in their thirties with adult acne, They are not only worried about their acne but also about preventing any signs of aging. Here we have the problem, so many of us struggle with: 

▶On one side we have acne.
▶On the other side we want to use anti-         aging products.
 If you know anything about acne, this combo usually doesn't go very well together because most anti-aging products usually have a very heavy formula that just does not match with acne prone skin, so they can easily cause your skin to break out. So leaving us either having
▶  wrinkly skin and no acne, 
▶ or having acne and a little more youthful looking skin.
 Of course it can't  make us happy.
But there is a wonderful solution. Alright, so do you want to know what is this " Jojoba oil". There is nothing else than Jojoba oil as a solution to both issues. 
Using oils in skincare is becoming more and more popular. But Jojoba oil is not like any other oil, because it's actually not an oil. 

Jojoba oil is the extract of the nut from the Jojoba plant.and it's not oil, it's a liquid wax. It has a golden color, a slightly nut-like scent if you get pure and organic oil and because of its low melting point it's basically always in its liquid state. Its molecule structure is very similar to that of human sebum and sebum is basically the natural oil of your skin.When you put something on the skin that's similar to that what it's already producing, the skin is tricked into thinking that it is producing enough of its own natural oil and it basically just cuts back on the production and therefore you can use this oil to control the oil production in your skin. 
Why is this helpful ? 
Because one of the leading causes of acne is an over production of sebum that usually clog the pores and that can cause breakouts.
The molecule structure of this wax is so similar to the sebum of your skin, your skin will recognize it as its own and leave the pores open which means it can penetrate deep into the lower layers off the skin. This is why Jojoba oil provides:

 ▶A deep cleansing action for your skin because it can actually get in the deepest layers and clean them out and bring all the dirt up to the top layers.This can also mean that if you use Jojoba oil on blemish prone skin, your skin could potentially get a little worse in the beginning but then things will quickly start to heal. 
 ▶Apart from that cleansing action that takes place, Jojoba oil also has antibacterial properties that help to control the growth of bacteria and it also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that can help to sooth irritated and inflamed skin.
 ▶Rich in vitamin E, it keeps your skin hydrated without stripping the essential oils of skin as other acne treating products would do.By providing moisture to your skin this oil can work like an anti aging product. 

Now, most people  will probably tell you to stay away from any oils when you have acne, but keep in mind that Jojoba oil is actually not an oil but a liquid and it will not clog your pores. 

How to use it?
 Simply use it like as a daily moisturizer. Do not use more than two drops, just drip them into your hands, rub them between your fingers to slightly warm up the oil and then just pat it onto your face right after cleansing and washing. It just feels so nice, it feels so hydrating. Really right after it, the skin feels so smooth. It really feels like baby skin. 
Definitely do not use more than your skin needs, so one to two drops are always enough because even though this is not oily  it doesn't leave a greasy film on your skin or anything , but if you overdo it, you might end up with little bit too much of the Jojoba oil on the skin and then you're just attracting dust and grime which then again can clog your pores,so don't overdo it; just use a very tiny amount because a little goes a very long way with this product.  

It sounds a little bit like magic but , it can work so well. If you've tried so many other things and nothing has really worked for you except of intensifying your skin issues, just give a try to this natural alternative and see for yourself.

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