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An Effective Routine For Treating Dry/Dehydrated Skin.

Did you know that you can have dehydrated skin even if it is always oily?

Dehydrated skin lacks water while dry skin lacks oil.However, you could be either one of them or both.That's why today, we're going to talk about the difference between dry and dehydrated skin,how you can actually have both, and how to combat issues related to both skin types.

All of us have different skin types and skin tones,and things like that, we all use different routine and products.

The first thing we're going to talk about is dry skin.

What exactly is dry skin?

It's when your skin is dry and parched all year round,like crackly, rough, dry patches, and even after moisturizing, it still looks like a dry desert.People with dry skin tend to require more external moisture in order to compensate for the lack of oil production.Normally, it's due to genetics, and sometimes causes you to have more sensitive skin.The upside to having dry skin is most likely you will not have acne or breakouts or blackheads.However, you might see wrinkles and lines forming just a little bit earlier than those who have oily skin.

What's the solution? 

The solution for dry skin is to always to keep your skin nice and hydrated and moisturized.Because actually if you have dry skin, your sebaceous glands aren't producing enough oil or as much oil as oily skin people and so it's like lacking that natural nourishment so you have to restore it with facial oil and body oils.So on top of oils, there's also deep hydrating ingredients that can be found in moisturizers as well as Vitamin E.

Here is a simple dry skin care routine that you dry people out there can follow.

Number 1:Cleansing.

Cleansing with a cleansing milk or a cleansing lotion is more ideal for those who have dry or sensitive skin.Cleansing milk is not as popular as like soap or cleansing foams and gels,and other types of cleansing products,but those are very good, because not only do they do a good job at removing makeup, the dirt and grime from the skin, but also keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated.

Number 2: Exfoliate.

Exfoliation applies to everyone.Doesn't matter what skin you have, whether it's oily, dry, sensitive, combination,you should always exfoliate, and it doesn't matter what climate or what weather as well.So something that  a lot of people tend to do less of in winter or when they have dry skin,they feel like"Oh I don't want to overstimulate my skin"or 'I don't feel like I need to exfoliate any thick sebum on my face because I have dry skin.It's actually the other way around,because when you have dry skin,a lot of the dead skin cells,the flaky, the dry skin patches form on top of the skin and it creates a barrier,so then the moisture that you put on top is not getting fully absorbed.So exfoliating is very important.  That should definitely be in your routine no matter what.Finding an exfoliator that has beads or grains in there can be a little bit too harsh for those who have dry and sensitive skin.So opt for something that has AHAs or BHAs which are chemical-based exfoliants that you don't need to physically scrub or rub on your face.So after coming out of the shower, and cleansing your face,the last step to your cleansing routine should be a toner.What toner does is usually to re-balance the pH levels,to remove any cleanser residue, makeup residue,and just making sure your skin is absolutely clean and ready for your skincare routine.

Essence or Lotion. 

Moving on to your first step of your skincare routine should be something like an essence or a lotion.An essence or a lotion differs from a toner because the essence and lotion contain a lot of hydrating properties that basically nourish or prime the skin to allow the skin to absorb the serum or ingredients or nutrients better and faster and more efficient.So the lotion is actually patted on the skin for your skin to absorb, whereas a toner is a wipe-off and disposed.

Using a Serum:

It is a very important thing to use a serum for your face,especially when you have dry skin.Serums work on the dermis layer of the skin which basically where all the cell turnover happens,your elastin collagen production, and it works deeper on a level that you'll see results are long-term and so using ingredients, such as humectants, peptides, nourishing ingredients like Vitamin E, those are the things that are going to help to hydrate and moisturize your skin and give you that moisture for long-term as well.

Using Oils:

Beauty oils are a savior to dry, flaky skin because skin loves nutrients, and vitamins, and nourishing products and beauty oil is so comforting on the skin.It almost forms a protective layer over your skin that your skin feels moisturized all day round. Beauty oils can range from Vitamin E, rosehip, jojoba, coconut.Everything and anything that is good for your skin. Definitely go ahead and try them! And using the oil just creates that barrier and allows the skin to trap the moisture in.

Things to keep in mind for dry skin:

For your dry skincare routine,try to keep it pretty simple.Choose a hydrating cleanser that can be super gentle and effective that can do a really good job of cleaning off the dirt, grime and oil from the day.

For toner, try to use an AHA/BHA based tonic that does not dry your skin at all and does an amazing job of brightening your face and tightening  pores.

For serum, go for the one that makes the skin immediately feels moisturized and instantly softer.

For moisturizer, find one that keeps your skin hydrated for the whole day and it should be lightweight especially for summer.

Don't forget to put on your SPF during the day.

At night, put on oil which keeps your skin nice and moist, and super soft and supple when you wake up.

 Dehydrated skin:

Does your skin feel a little tight after cleansing? Do you get like dry patches of flaky skin on your face? If yes most likely you have dehydrated skin.

Dehydrated skin, unlike dry skin, is more of a temperate thing.It's usually caused by a high sodium diet or a lot of processed foods.Sometimes it can be caused by exposure of UV rays.Could be other factors, like the climate or you're not drinking enough water.What you're body does is amazing. It will actually overcompensate for the lack of water in your body,and it will produce a lot of oil for the skin to hydrate itself.Sometimes when you overproduce oil, and you already have oily skin,and that's what causes the oil on oil factor, and it causes blockage, bacterial infections, hence why acne and breakouts appear and all of that good stuff.

So, let's move on to dehydrated, oily skincare routine.

For hydration, basically it's all about moisture and putting back moisture into your skin.

Your routine should be something like this:

✔At the end of the day, wipe off your makeup with  Micellar Cleansing Water to break down your eye makeup, which is basically waterproof makeup.Put it on two pads, and then just drip it over them, hold it over your eyes and the thing is, you want to hold this over your eyes for about 5-10 seconds so the product really sinks in and breaks down the product.Then just very gently rub it in circular motions, and most of that eye gunk and mascara and eye liner should all be coming off now.Don't make it a 100% clean,just move on to a cleansing oil to really melt down the rest of the makeup on your face because oils draw out oils.You don't want lingering foundation to be stuck in your pores, and so using a cleansing oil really just sucks it all out.Put a bit on your hand and massage it all over your face. cleansing oil is really important because it's so gentle and it breaks down any sort of makeup.

✔Next remove any lingering residue or dirt left in the pores, use a really gentle and mild cleanser. There are many cleansers that have a jelly consistency,and it can be slightly tingly for some. Cleansing leaves the skin so fresh and so clean.

✔After this move to the toner which is an essential step as mentioned above, it can really make such a difference on your skin, it calms, nourishes, soothes and balances the skin.

✔Then after patting toner on, use a few drops of Essence.Essence grabs and pulls water and moisture to the skin and it keeps your complexion moisturized all day long, and gives this super moisturized look on your skin and also leaves the face feeling really refreshed and supple, and ready to absorb the moisturizer.

✔If you have dry areas as well as an oilier T-zone, go for a product the can have a balancing effect like there are many balance moisturizers available in the market that can really help you.They can also have AHA and also BHA to lift and loosen dead skin cells that clog pores,fights shine and also reduce oil production on your skin.

This routine will be working so well with hydrating certain areas and then balancing oils in other areas.

Foods for Dehydrated Skin:

There are also some foods that help with dehydrated skin, these include cucumber because cucumber is actually made up of mostly of 96% water,so consuming cucumbers can also re-hydrate your body and your skin.Lettuce is also made up of a majority of water,that's why it's always more refreshing to eat a salad with lettuce,rather than burger and fries.Other foods that are good for dehydrated skin are tomatoes and watermelons, strawberries, spinach and broccoli.

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