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DIY Natural Ingredients Fachwash And Mask For Hydrated, Exfoliated,Glowing And Supersoft Skin.

A tremendous range of skincare products are available in the market today and this industry is growing so rapidly. But sometimes we get bored of all these chemicals and wish to run towards nature.

All kinds of everyday natural ingredients like fruit, vegetables, nuts, cereals,eggs are a great source of energy not only for our internal health but they can have wonders for us externally.These natural ingredients  are the easiest and cheapest way of gaining the benefits of chemically made skincare products.The may not have a sudden effect but gradually they work. 

We all desire for getting a well exfoliated, hydrated clear,glowing and supersoft skin and for this you can give yourself a chance of trying this DIY all natural ingredients facewash and mask that can give you a nice experience.

The three natural ingredients which we are going to use for making our facewash are:

1.Egg (we will use both the egg yolk and white) 



First let's see how these natural ingredients  are beneficial for our skin and health:

Eggs for health:

The wonders of eggs are not new to us, we all are well aware of their benefits.Eggs are the powerhouse of energy gifted by the nature.

Let's recall some of the benefits that we gain by eggs:

Eggs can play a long lasting role in promoting long term health benefits. Eggs provide important sources of important nutrients that are required as part of a healthy diet to help you stay healthy.They are loaded with 13 essential vitamins and minerals.

▶60% of the high-quality protein in eggs can be found in the egg white, while the yolk contains the rest, along with vital healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – all compounding for a valuable contribution to your daily nutritional needs. 

▶Eggs also contain useful amounts of vitamins A, E, B5, B12, as well as iron, iodine and phosphorus – all vital nutrients in supporting your healthy, balanced diet. 

▶Egg yolks are one of a handful of foods that naturally contain vitamin D. 

▶A serving of two eggs provides 82% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D –  making them an all-important source of this essential vitamin. 

▶Choline is an important nutrient that is made in the liver, however, as most people don't produce enough choline to meet daily requirements, it also needs to be consumed through the food you eat.Eggs are a rich source of choline providing more than double the amount of choline per 100g than any other commonly eaten food.

▶Eggs are nature’s incredible and edible source of Omega-3 fatty acids, providing on average, 180mg per serve (2 eggs).

Eggs for skin and hair:

Protein-packed eggs are among the super foods for good health. Not only are eggs beneficial for the body, they also can provide a good dose of nourishment to the skin and hair and make them healthier. Rich in Lutin, eggs can provide hydration and elasticity to the skin while the high protein content can help in repairing tissues and firming skin. The proteins in eggs can be used in softening the hair, and also to give it strength and shine.

Benefits of Sugar for skin:

Sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that permeates the deepest layers of the skin breaks down the “glue” that binds skin cells together. This stimulates cell regeneration and encourages new skin cells and thus younger-looking skin. Glycolic acid can be used to treat sun-damaged and aging skin.It has the ability to pamper your skin at an extremely inexpensive cost, a sugar scrub is a good choice to exfoliate and smooth your skin.Sugar scrubs brighten tired, dull-looking skin to promote healthy, smooth, and flawless skin.

Benefits of Lemon for skin:

Rich in vitamin C, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and a whole lot of micronutrients, lemons can get you rid of almost all your skin and hair problems.
Lemons are well known for getting rid of excess sebum production and it is the perfect ingredient to treat acne.

You will need:
➡ 1 ½ tablespoons of sugar
➡ ½ tablespoon of water
➡ 1 beaten egg yolk
➡ 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How to make:
Put 1 ½ tablespoons of sugar with ½ tablespoon of water in a pan, over a low heat. When it begins to caramel,remove from the heat and add a beaten egg yolk. Replace it on the low heat for a minute and mix in one teaspoon lemon juice.

Egg white mask:
Lightly beat the egg white with 4 to 5 drops of lemon and apply it on your face after washing with the egg,sugar and lemon face wash.Wait till the mask is dry, then wash your face with lukewarm water and apply your moisturizer.

▶You can use this recipe twice a week. 

This DIY is not recommended for the people who are allergic to eggs or who have sensitive skin .

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