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Natural Anti-aging secrets

There is a true fact that" Time can never be reversed", same is the matter with our skin,everyday we are getting older, but everyone of us is concerned about some helpful tips that can delay the process of aging.

When it comes to anti-aging you might have heard this advice a lot to start as early as possible.It is not necessary that you should go out and buy anti-aging skincare right now as early as possible but maintaining a certain lifestyle is definitely crucial in preventing signs of aging as always preventative methods are far more better than reversing the damage.

How does our skin age?

All living species,we are all programmed to die one day and sadly we are aging every single day and it is a natural process when it comes to skin aging there are three main things that are happening:

Number 1:

At the epidermis layer which is the very first surface layer of our skin,the skin renewal process slows down therefore the youthful and the younger looking skin is not really revealing itself anymore or it's like much slower in renewing process.

Number 2:

In the dermis layer which is the lower level of the skin where it stores collagen, elastin fiber that makes up that elasticity,the firmness and the bounciness it does break down by time and starts diminishing which results in fine lines wrinkles and skin sagginess.

Number 3:

Lastly there are lipids or our moisture barrier or our skin barrier that happens to break down by time, by hormone levels and therefore your skin is becoming more drier and drier as you age because your skin doesn't have that ability to protect the hydration to keep intact.


Now we're going to look into our diet. First there is a thing to keep it in mind that inflammation equals pro-aging,first of all let's stay away from all the inflammation-causing foods such as sugar refined carbs, simple carbs, alcohol, industrial seed oils,red meat and processed foods and also there is a food processing or food group that you should stay away,this has more to do with the cooking method you choose to do than the actual ingredient or the food itself so by,grilling, barbecuing, frying,roasting,baking, toasting will enhance inflammation.Certain foods such as animal fats and animal protein are more susceptible in forming that age during this chemical processing,a lot of studies do conclude that you should try more skewing, boiling,steaming the food or consuming foods raw.

Some changes that are required to delay the aging process:

It is suggested that to make some healthy switch in your current diet.Switching white rice to brown rice,white bread to brown bread, grilled or fried food to steamed and boiled food, conventional chips to something like healthy nuts, industrial seed oil to extra virgin olive. 

There are some anti-inflammatory foods that you can incorporate in daily basis to fight against inflammation so you can balance all the processed food out.


Turmeric has a special compound called curcumin inside and that has a really profound anti-inflammatory effect, turmeric is not everone's favorite,so you can take this as a tablet form.


Garlic is naturally anti-inflammatory,anti-fungal and anti-viral and it's also known to boost your immune system. You can use it by sprinkling garlic powder on toast,in everything that you cook in your household.


Ginger contains a compound called gingerols and that has a beautiful anti-inflammatory effect.Ginger also supports your digestive system as well so if you ever feel constipated or bloated having a cup of ginger tea is highly recommended it's so good.

Dark leafy greens:

Try to at least incorporate  a handful of dark leafy greens in your meals, they nourish our body at a cellular level and reduce overall inflammation.

For delaying the process of aging you should consume more  healthy fats like a lot of avocados, a lot of chia seeds.


Basically your skin cells are comfortably wrapped around a fat layer or a fat cushion so once this gets depleted your skin will feel drier which can result into more skin sagginess, more skin aging.A very crucial and essential fat soluble vitamin when it comes to overall skin's health is vitamin A and a topical form of vitamin A is Retinol and Retinoid products.But also internally you do need to consume a lot more vitamin A rich foods.

Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids :

It is another great fat soluble vitamin that you can consume for overall skin's health preventing skin aging and essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 is beneficial for enhancing and plumping up and just firming your skin.

You should take these supplements regularly that have all the fatty acids and the fatty vitamins that you might need for your skin. Foods like liver oil is a good supplement that can help the acne prone skin,it has a really high source of vitamin A and vitamin D and also Omega-3 fatty acids and they will also lower the inflammation in your body.


Next food group we need to incorporate more is definitely antioxidants.The importance of antioxidants in skincare is really crucial especially if you are living in a city that's very polluted,that has a lot of environmental stressors or you are exposing yourself to a lot of uv rays,so you need some antioxidants in your diet.

Foods like dark chocolate ,a lot of fresh fruit like berries and a lot of dark leafy greens,green tea or matcha of your choice can be used for gaining good health and they can prove to be smart anti aging agents. 


If you are looking for some smoothies,you can made them by incorporating fruits and chia seeds and it can prove to be a great source of  providing powerful anti-aging solutions.

Matcha powder is another good choice as you know matcha is one of the most abundant source of antioxidant in this planet,you can mix it by using dark leafy green as a base for this smoothie,it has a lot of antioxidants and a lot of good anti-inflammatory properties.

It would be nice to have fresh fruit every single day by consuming them in raw form or incorporated in a smoothie.You can also add a dash of dark cocoa as it is definitely amazing and will give you an amazing flavour by blending  in some ice cubes. You can take your smoothies in your breakfast for having a refreshing start.  

Skincare Habits:

Moving on to the next section we're going to talk about skin care habits to prevent signs of aging and the most fundamental rule here is to do no harm, preserve what you already naturally have.

There are some habits that can be addressed that you should be a little bit more mindful of. 

Habit number 1:

Never ever give your skin a chance to be dried or dehydrated and it's already a known fact that people with oily skin tend to age a little bit slower than those who do have dry skin.People who do live in a drier climate tend to age quicker than those who live in a humid environment always keep your skin bouncy,firm and plump and supple by well hydrating and well nourishing while moisturizing it. 

Habit number 2:

Preserve what you already have, so this goes back to our fundamental rule of doing no harm to the skin.Remember that we are all born with the most effective skin care which is your natural skin barrier, your natural healthy microbiome and the ph level, by not fluctuating it or by not aggressively abusing those elements you are already better off than any other people out there.

Habit number 3:

Never stress,inflame or sensitize the skin.Again inflammation equals pro aging so if you ever feel like your skin is constantly sensitized and constantly inflamed there is a high chance that you might be over doing skincare or using a lot of harsh ingredients to the skin.

Habit number 4:

Reduce physical friction or physical contact with your skin that the more facial muscle that you use,you do form some deep set wrinkles that's why the lash lines are there those are something that naturally happens but at least with skincare you can start by dropping the towel to dry your face or using cotton pad in a very gentle way.

Habit number 5:

Always protect your skin from the uv so do wear sunscreen every single day.  Study  shows that 90% of the skin aging is caused by uv damage and that is a really scary. Among all the environmental stressors out there uv damage is the most accumulative and most damaging to the skin in multiple different levels.

In the next section we are going to highlight some lifestyle habits that we should be all mindful of.


Everyone knows how chronic stress can be and really detrimental in our skin aging also in forming more acne as well, so managing your stress is actually pretty important when it comes to keeping your skin happy and healthy.

Sleeping habits:

If you are a side sleeper it's time to switch to a back sleeper it does make a huge difference,also consider switching your pillowcase from cotton to silk because it really does make a difference so silk pillowcases are better at temperature regulation and also it's more hygienic and gives you less wrinkles. Lack of sleep  does affect your skin to age more, researches found that poor quality sleepers tend to show more signs of aging way quicker than those who do get regular hours of sleep such as seven to eight hours,they also recover much slower after skin barrier disruption.


You don't need to do any hardcore high intensity workout every single day if that's your thing definitely go for it but if you have not exercised before definitely start with something that is low impact that is mild but just do it consistently on regular basis because by working out it does increase your blood circulation, it will invite more oxygen to flow within the body which eventually makes your body to absorb more nutrients from the food that you take from the supplements that you take, so definitely a really big thing in affecting your overall health and your skin's health in general.

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