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Why Moisturizer is an essential part of our skincare routine?

Today we are going to talk about moisturizers because a lot of people are still puzzled whether they need a moisturizer, should we be using one?Which one to choose?

In this blog we're going to discuss moisturizers,what are the types of moisturizers, what are the formulations available in the market, when do we have to use moisturizers and how to use them? So bythe end of the blog we hope to answer all of these questions for you. So in order for you to understand more clearly what moisturizers are we are going to discuss very briefly the skin structure:

Skin structure:

Our skin is actually made up of several layers:we have the epidermis or the topmost layer,the dermis where all the glands and the hair follicles can be found and then the hypodermis where the subcutaneous layer or fat and connective tissues are located, so in the epidermis which is the topmost layer more importantly there is the stratum corneum,it is the layer that protects us or serves as a barrier between us and the environment and it is also where water diffusion happens,the water is lost or preserved in this area of the skin and when this one is intact you have normal skin however when this one is destructed you wil experience irritation,inflammation and many other issues of the skin. 

We all do cleansing whether it's from a long day at work or,coming from the gym or coming from school,we either take a bath or wash our face or do both.Cleansing is a way of removing all the dirt,the sebum and everything that got in contact with our skin,however especially in the past most cleansers contain surfactants and they were not able to distinguish between dirt and sebum and the natural lipids that we have on our skin, these cleansers were so efficient that they remove everything completely.

Moisturizers were invented to return or put back what was unnecessarily removed.Some moisturizers was labeled as they were suppose  to put back what is removed.Now with advent of new cleansers and advancement and technology,in producing cleansers all are actually soap free and they are able to distinguish between the dirt,oil and natural lipids,same is matter of  moisturizers,they have evolved so much in delivering active ingredients to the skin.

The thing to remember is that not all moisturizers are the same, there are actually three main types of moisturizers and there are even more types of formulations out there.


First we have what we call humectants or water absorbers, these moisturizers when applied on our skin draw moisture from the deepest layer of the skin or from the environment, the only drawback is that just imagine that you're in an environment where it's really dry inside like an airplane or in a temperate country and  we put on the humectant on top of our skin, it might draw moisture from skin to the environment and the skin end up being more dry, in this case humectants should be paired with occlusives.


Occlusives are moisturizers that provide a protective shield to our skin and creates a barrier that does not allow the moisture to escape from the surface of the skin.

Occlusives act as a protection against the external intruders that can bring a lot of issues for the skin like:harsh weather,pollen,dry and cold wind etc.

Occlusives are a kind of waterproof seal which stops the water and moisture to evaporate from the skin.

Some common examples of occlusives are:petrolatum, silicones, waxes like carnauba or beeswax,shea butter,castor oil,squalane.

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The last type of moisturizers are called emollients or space fillers, emollients fill in the gaps between the skin thus making your skin feel smooth and soft and they also restore the skin's barrier.

The emollients are specially formulated to soothe the skin by forming a film on your skin.They have such ingredients that can relieve itching,scaling and dryness and they are suitable for people who have sensitive skin or issues like psoriasis or eczema.They are available in cream,moisturizer,lotion or ointment form.

There are a lot of formulations available in the market and we're going to talk about the more common ones one by one:

➡There are creams, lotions and ointments,the cream and lotions are based of oil and water and they are actually the most popular form, a cream is generally thicker than lotions and lotions are actually easier to apply but both of them can be applied on the face and on the body. 

➡An ointment which is actually made up of fats,waxes ,oils and hydrocarbons are waterproof and are ideal for barrier disrupted skin, however they can be sticky and they're not recommended to use on oily skin or acne prone skin.

➡Another common formulation is the gel,the gels are non oily they're non comedogenic and they're easily absorbed by the skin,so gels are recommended to be applied on hair-bearing areas and by individuals with oily skin. 

How to use the moisturizers in a  general routine?

It is always recommended to apply your products  from lightest to heaviest,for example after washing your face first apply your water based serum followed by your moisturizer and then your facial oil,if you apply one and then in the morning put on your sunscreen.

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Does everyone need a moisturizer?

The answer is yes,as it helps to keep our skin barrier intact,never think that I have normal skin so I can skip moisturizer,your moisturizer is going to seal in all of your skin's natural oils,lipids and it is also a shield for the skincare products which you apply before it like the serum,it is not only recommended for the people with dry skin but also important for people with oily and normal skin.A moisturizer is an added bonus to add more power to your skincare regime.

How to select a perfect moisturizer for your skin:

Finding an ideal moisturizer for your skin is actually a matter of trial and error, moisturizer is something that you will use and something that will deliver the effect that you want from your moisturizer,may be it will not suit you in the start,but gradually it will begin to suit you,or may be you will have to change it and select the one that suits you.There are a lot of great products out there,you just have to find something that suits your skin issues and preferences and the one that will address your needs,for this you can consult your dermatologist.There are moisturizers available for all skin types,you just have to find the one that matches and suits your skin.


Moisturizer is an extra and complementary treat of our skincare regime,it adds more power to your previous steps like after putting on your toners, essences, and serums,your moisturizer is going to provide them more strength by protecting them as a shield,so their active ingredients will work more perfecly.If the skin is damaged by dryness it is under the threat of getting,breakouts,enlarged pores,premature ageing,irritation etc,moisturizer is the protection for your skin to keep these issues at a distance and it also keeps the skin plumper,younger,glowing and firmer.

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