Blemishes,spots,pimples, bumps there are so many words we can use when it comes to acne so it can be a little bit confusing, today we're going to talk about the six different types of acne,so you guys know how they form what they look like? how to treat them?
There are two categories:
Non-inflammatory acne and Inflammatory acne.
The first category non-inflammatory acne are comedones,so this includes blackheads and whiteheads they're not red or sore or painful it's usually embedded in the skin and the body hasn't responded to this spot as a form of infection yet so it's kind of just sitting in the skin and sitting there idly and it's actually really easy to treat. compared to inflammatory acne.
Category two of inflammatory acne includes
Papules, Pustules, Nodules and Cystic acne.This type of acne is usually painful and it's bedded in deep layers , it's usually red and swollen and it's a bit harder to treat, so let's focus on each one of these type of acnes so you have a better understanding of each one of them.
Number one : Whiteheads:
In most cases acne happens because of clogged pores , maybe because of bacteria, clogged pores and dead skin cells. When it comes to a white head it's a closed comadone so it's a long pore that is closed from the top and it's kind of like underneath the skin so it's embedded within the skin without having any opening .We can try over-the-counter products such as salicylic acid as this really helps it so it dissolves the cement that holds the sticky cells together and that prevents whiteheads in the future, you can also try benzoyl peroxide 2.5 % which is awesome ,10 % is way too harsh and it's a marketing strategy to get you to pick the highest percentage but it actually comes with more adverse side effects especially if you have sensitive skin so start with 2.5 % and see how you go.
The next non-inflammatory acne is called a blackhead ,now with a blackhead in which the top part is oxidized and you get that black spot.You can also try the same method in terms of over-the-counter products such as salicylic acid benzoperoxide. It just takes a little bit longer because the top part is kind of hardened and it's oxidized. Many of us use pore strips for getting rid of them,it's a cheap quick method but it has only short-term results.When you put the pore strip on your nose not only it is pulling out the blackhead but it's also ripping the first layer of your skin ruining your skin's mantle making it more irritated in the future and because you're getting rid of your excess oils as well as your natural oils, your skin is going to be like : oh my God where is my natural oil ,oh I need to reproduce it and that's when your oil glands go into overdrive so stay away from coarse strips and take a chemical exfoliant instead that helps gently remove the clogged pores and your dead skin cells, also try to use a facial cleanser and just gently go across your nose. It is not really recommended to use scrubs like walnut scrubs or granuled scrubs because they are so hard and irregular that they can create micro tears in your skin.So always stick to more gentle methods.
Now on to the inflammatory acne which leads us to the four remaining type of acne the first one is called Papules , so the contents of your blocked pore, it's kind of spilled out to the surface and it's creating that red inflamed skin but the thing is there's no stuff inside and again this can be used as a similar method because it's like bacteria on the outside of your skin you want to kill that bacteria by using over-the-counter products such as: Salicylic acid benzoperoxide but at the same time when your skin is really in flames you want to heal internally, so that means you have to nourish your body with the right food,so it can calm the inflammation down internally. Both external and internal approach is required to treat your acne.
Next one is called Pustules so with the name there is the word pass in it which means there is pus inside your inflamed skin and this usually happens in clusters where they can be on your chest,your face your back and you can also use the same methods over the counter products. A lot of the times dermatologists and doctors also recommend you to try antibiotics because oils in your body can also lead you to have acne.However it is recommended to stay away from antibiotics because there are a number of side effects where it damages your gut,so try sticking to use topical treatments and also try to heal internally.
Nodular acne is the next one this is a more severe case,so with nodular acne it's flesh colored or red bumps on top of your skin and it could be elongated so it's deep within the tissues and this doesn't have a head so do not pop it because you'll damage the skin surrounding skin tissues and nodules in this case feel like hardened thick knots.
The next one is Cystic acne ,they're a lot softer and they have pus filled sac inside.Cysts comes in clusters and they are also another form of severe acne.It is larger in size compared to the first two .The inflammatory acne category Cystic acne and Nodular acne is really really hard to treat.Sometimes people get steroids injected in those spots for the inflammation to calm down but it is a long process, so it is better heal holistically because Nodular acne and Cystic acne is on the deeper layers of your skin.Topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid might not work as effectively as it would for surface level pimples.
The best cure for acne is patience and Holistic approaches that means changing your lifestyle in many different ways. By having adequate sleep your skin heals, its best at night,if you're staying up late it's only going to spike your stress levels and as a result of those stress level,you're going to produce excess sebum which leads to a greater chance of clogged pores and inflamed skin. You should increase your water intake for staying hydrated. It is so important not only to keep your skin hydrated topically but also internally because it helps nourish your skin. Hydration is important because of your digestive system,but if you're eating healthy food and you're not drinking enough water it's going to lead to constipation and with constipation ,you're just clogging up the toxicity within your digestive system and your skin is the largest organ if you're not getting rid of that waste,it's going to show on your face so that's why it's really important to ensure that you're drinking water,eating the right foods and also exercising to increase that blood circulation.
With Nodular acne and Cystic acne your blood is very stagnant and if your blood is stagnant there is not a renewal of nutrients underneath your skin,so therefore when you're doing facial massages,when you're exercising and increasing the flow you have a better chance of healing at a faster rate.