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"Top 10 Skincare Mistakes"

Today we're gonna talk about the biggest skincare mistakes that you might be making right now at this very moment that are either causing more acne or damaging your skin in general.

Let's talk about specific skin care habits and skin care mistakes that you might be making right now, the most fundamentally skin damaging mindset is not trusting your skin enough.Therefore you think that you need this sort of miracle fixed from topical skincare solution.So you really go out it like attacking and then being really aggressive to the skin thinking that you need to do this. In order to fix some sort of skin issues your skin is smart,your skin is also a functioning living organ that knows how to repair and restore itself knows how to regulate the cell turnover and shut all the dead skin cells and also knows how to regulate the sebum production when it's needed.

All your skin might need is just a basic hydration and comfortable environment for it to function.

Let's jump into the skin care habits right now

Skincare mistake number one:

cleansing oppressively and aggressively and this includes washing your skin, cleansing your skin so many times a day and opting for a stronger a more alkaline cleanser to get rid of everything on top of the skin and some people tend to cleanse for 10-15 minutes thinking that it is really purifying your skin ,of course it is purifying your skin but at the same time it is taking away all the essential components to naturally moisturize your skin .You are really disrupting and damaging the skin barrier the cleansing agents inside the cleansers don't know how to detect or identify the difference between what to take away so the dirts and grind and sweat and what to leave therefore it takes away literally everything.There are numerous beauty brands recommending to use their cleanse as more like a 15 minutes purifying detoxifying mask and you are doing it at the expense of really damaging to skin barrier.

Skincare mistake number 2:

The second skin care mistake is something that most of us have been guilty of that is physically abusing the skin with overuse of cotton pads,overuse of cleansing wipes and makeup wipes.Overuse of cleansing cloth to remove the makeup and also just rubbing the towel all over your skin really aggressively. Most of us are addicted to cotton pads because it is how instantly gratifying it just feels by wiping away just wiping away all the residues of makeup.Most of us really get addicted of using those kind of peeling pads.Our skin barrier can get severely damaged by them. They can leave you struggling with issues like mild contact dermatitis and many more. These issues are caused by the physical action as just rubbing and swiping the cotton pads way too many times.If you have to use cotton pads,instead of choosing the ones that comes with it emboss or exfoliating texture, choose the one that has no texture at all, that is really silky smooth and when you're using the cotton pad make sure it is completely drenched or drenched enough so that the dry surface doesn't tear or scratch your skin and when you're swiping it on your skin please be as gentle as possible.Do not put any pressure on your fingers on your hand.Also if you can, try skip towel drying your skin.

Skincare mistake number three:

Leaving cleansing water on the skin or not washing off your cleansing water after you use it.It is true that in cleansing waters,they typically use a milder detergent or a cleansing agent than in a typical conventional foam cleansers.However, it still is a surfactant, it still does dissolve the natural moisturizing factors and natural lipids that you have that you really want to protect and this is something that a lot of dermatologists recommend that just don't leave the cleansing water on your skin ,wash it off really gently , rinse it away with lukewarm water,before moving towards your next step of skin. 

Skincare mistake number four:

Most of us are in the habit of  treating all areas on the skin equally.We are not here to say that you need an eye cream or you need a dedicated product for your neck or for your forehead or your cheek separately.But you have to understand the difference the physiological difference of different areas on your skin.Obviously a lot of people have oilier t-zone and it's a little bit thicker , it's a little bit more resilient here.The cheek area is where a lot of people get the most sun spots and hyperpigmentation.The eye area is gonna be the thinnest and probably the most delicate and the most sensitive and some people have rosacea on their cheeks.So that needs to be approached a little bit differently, for example, if you're using a clay mask ,of course the guide or how to use instruction would say apply this all over the skin, but you don't really need to listen to the brand. You can really tailor the instruction according to your skin needs.Only apply purifying mask or drying ingredients on your t-zone because that's more oily.When it comes to moisturizing your skin a really good way to approach this is controlling the amount of the moisturizer that you use for different spots.You can apply mainly on your cheek area and whatever that is left on hands or the fingers, apply that very gently or very slightly on the t-zone area.If you feel your cheeks are still dry ,go with the same moisturizer and apply another layer or thicker layer on top of it.Especially when it comes to acne skin care products too,there are a lot of people just use the acne skincare products a little bit mindlessly using it all over the skin even to the areas where it doesn't really have acne understand the difference of physiology on your skin and map it out do some spot treating and that'll be good enough.

Skin care mistake number five:

Using a full range of active ingredients or an acne range.There are a lot of people who just follow the acne regime and then they believe that they need to use every single product in their skincare routine that are geared towards acne prone skin a facial wash for acne prone skin and acne skincare toner, acne serum, acne day cream and night cream. In your teenage years and all the way up to early 30s your base line should be always hydration and moisturization and that is just creating the right environment for your skin to do its own jobs and then here and there you can insert an active treatment like aha or bha or a retinol product or vitamin A product when your skin needs it.Instead of just shoving your skin and heaping on so many different active ingredients that are stressing your skin out

Skin care mistake number six:

Not moisturizing your oily skin is another mistake we usually make. It's easy to fall under the trap of thinking that you really need to dry up your skin.In order to balance your skin out and you guys know that is very far from the truth,in fact a lot of you guys have oily but dehydrated skin and once you start at truly hydrating and nourishing and moisturizing your skin and you find out that your skin is actually back in balance.It doesn't produce the greasy gloopy sebum anymore by hydrating and moisturizing your skin.You're giving that really cushiony and soothing environment for your skin to really thrive.Don't just up wear products or product range that says it is designed for oily skin.Those can be pretty good, but also a lot of the conventional products seem to be really dryin you can always offer a really lightweight refreshing gel moisturizer to star if you are still scared of applying a moisturizer.

Skincare mistake number seven:

Using way too many acne treatments, acne medications, acne skin care products every single day.It is useless to think that salicylic acid, benzol peroxide can work magically and it will deliver results overnight.Give your skin a little bit more time to function and to repair and recover on its own.instead of just relying on acne medication to zap away the zit.

Skincare mistake number eight:

Using way more products than what your skin needs and the key point here is identifying what your skin craves and when your skin really really needs.We are not here to preach about a certain minimalistic approach of skincare routin as long as you know each individual product and your skincare routine that you selected for serve a purpose or serve a specific function based on your skin craving. It becomes a little bit problematic if you use mindlessly and carelessly and apply and heap on pile up on skin care products and really drown your skin and not giving yourself enough time to read your skin and identify what your skin needs so more is never better ,also at the same time, there's only so much that your skin can absorb .So from the third layer or from the fourth layer ,it might only just stay on top of the skin and you're really not getting the most out of the skincare product that you invested in

Skincare mistake number nine:

Starting anti-aging skin care products way too young.Anti-aging active ingredients such as Retinol and vitamin C and such they do deliver results by pushing your skin cells to do a certain thing.So in a way, they are like a personal trainer to your skin cell, your skin does go through some stress and this process could be really really good for someone who has an aging skin or someone who has a mature skin.Causing an unnecessary stress to the skin can lead to premature aging or more information so be aware of it and especially if you're still in your teens and your 20s the best thing that you can do to your skin to preserve your bounce the youth and just the glow is make sure your skin is hydrated and moisturize and also apply sunscreen in a daily basis,that itself will really protect your skin from inviting signs of aging and of course stay away from inflammation causing foods because that is a really big part .

Skincare mistake number 10:

Our pillowcase has a build up of oils, dirt and sweat from daily use. Not changing them regularly is the biggest mistake made by many of us. Washing your pillowcase every two days is recommended by the experts because unhygienic pillowcase can harbor bacteria and cause allergies. Silk and satin pillowcases are highly recommended by many skincare experts as cotton can absorb all the sweat and dirt in it and this build up can result in many skin and hair issues. Silk or satin pillowcases on the other hand are soft, smooth and creates less friction which can benefit our skin and hair health. 

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