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"Ways for building stronger bones"

The network of your bones  actually provides structure,protect organs,support muscles and store calcium,so it's extremely important to protect them and to keep them strong and healthy.

As you turn 30 your body starts to lose more bone mass. Research shows that one in three women over the age of 50 years and one in five men will experience bone fractures in their lifetime.However,if your bones are lean and unhealthy they might start deteriorating  rapidly,this could lead to frail,fragile bones and diseases like rickets and osteoporosis,it can be costly and troublesome to urge back to get healthy bones after that.So no matter what your age is,it's always good to look after them as much as you can by taking such measures that can lead you to gain healthier bones. 

Health supplements are not always a good option.There are some natural ways that can assist you in urge of gaining strong and healthy bones. 

Number One

Increase calcium intake:

The primary component that is typically involved in the bone health is calcium.It plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health of our bones.A proper calcium consumption could make them more potent.For most people the recommended amount of calcium per day is a thousand milligrams ,teenagers require 1,300 and older ladies require 1200.Foods such as:eggs,milk cheese,yogurt,beans,salmon and sardines are good sources of calcium.Fullfilling calcium requirements via food is better  than getting it through supplements and tablets.

Number Two

Exercise regularly:

Regular exercise help you to gain muscle strength, coordination and balance and it also facilitates in preventing falls and related fractures. By regular exercise we can keep ourselves save from many of the health issues.Avoiding a sedandary lifestyle and starting regular workouts can keep issues like osteoporosis and other muscular diseases at a bay.Exercise can have high quality impact on bones by giving them strength.You should go for weight bearing and resistance exercises as they can help you gain good bone health. 

Number Three

Get enough vitamin D:

Similar to  calcium vitamin D is also really important for good bone health,it protects your bones by helping your body absorb calcium,vitamin D also helps supporting muscles needed to avoid falls.Children need vitamin D to build strong bones and adults needed to keep their bones strong and healthy.If you don't get enough vitamin D you're more likely to break bones as you age.Some good sources of vitamin D are sun light,foods like salmon,tuna, orange juice and soy milk. Just keep in mind vitamin D is found in very few foods.

Number Four

Avoid alcohol:

You need to be conscious that consuming an excessive amount of alcohol can have negative impact on your body.A lesser known impact of alcohol is that it brings negative effect on your bones, as well consuming alcohol can impact vitamins that are necessary for bones,this also disrupts hormone regulators that are crucial for bone formation.It reduces this process by immediately inhibiting bone forming cells,so it is better to stay away from it.

Number Five

More potassium:

Potassium is necessary for the continuity of healthy acid alkaline balance in the body helping reduce calcium loss. Potassium also plays a supportive role in your blood keeping the bone strengthening materials like calcium and phosphorus from being lost from the bones and kidneys.Researchers found that people with high potassium intake have 8% greater bone mineral density than those with the lower intake. You can eat potassium through foods like legumes,bananas,spinach, broccoli and potatoes.

Number six

Cut down on coffee:

Researches have shown that caffeine intake can result in low bone density.Caffiene can destroy the calcium in your bones making them fragile.It has been proved that you lose six milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine intake.You can satisfy your coffee desire by decaf coffees.

Number Seven


Olives and olive oil are rich in powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.They also promote bone cell formation,increasing bone density and making them stronger.You can make it an ingredient in your favorite dish salad or sandwich.

Number Eight:

Quit smoking:

Smoking can really have unpleasant effects on your bone health. Smoking can reduce the blood supply to our bones that results in their weakness. The nicotine present in cigarettes slows production of bone producing cells,it also decreases the body's absorption of calcium which is necessary for vital cellular functions and bone health. Smoking affects the balance of hormones including estrogen which is needed to build and maintain a strong skeleton.So it's better to kick this habit out of your life.

Number Nine

Green vegetables:

Green vegetables are high in calcium and are effortlessly absorbed by the body.They are also a great supply of folic acid which helps in reducing the variety of homocysteine. High levels of homocysteine can cause poor bone fitness and improved fracture threat.Some leafy green veggies that you can flip to are spinach,kale,collard and leafy green a part of turnip.

Number 10


You must be used to of having nuts as a snack or as an addition to your salad.Nuts are loaded with minerals which are important to construct sturdy bones.Nuts are full of alpha Leo lennick acid which decreases the chances of bone breakdown and continues bone formation regularly.They're also an amazing source of magnesium which helps in the absorption and metabolism of calcium.Some nuts that you may eat are walnuts, almonds and cashew.

Number Eleven

Drink tap water:

One of these simplest ways to improve bone health is drinking tap water.Due to calcium deficiency our bones start to to loose strength which results in orthopedic issues like osteoporosis and musculoskeletal disorders. The water that we drink is the carrier for calcium and other nutrients to all parts of the body.Tap water with sufficient minerals can help us for gaining good bone health.Tap water contains fluoride which helps prevent cavities.Fluoride aids in adding density to your bones by making them healthier and stronger.Researchers found that drinking fluoridated tap water improves bone density and reduces the risk of hip and spine fractures.If you feel any contamination of water you can boil it or use a filter for cleaning your water.

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  1. the information is good and very useful. tks


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