Let's talk about one the most common ingredient found in almost all of the skincare products,yes it is:Glycerin,it is actually multi tasker ingredient,it helps to provide moisture to our skin,its name can be easily found on the ingredients list of almost all the beauty products.
When the question of moisture comes,Hyaluronic acid is the first ingredient that comes to our mind,as it is considered to be the best moisture booster,but we often ignore the goodness of glycerin,it also has the quality of a humectant,there is no doubt that it is a not as powerful as Hyaluronic acid,but its abilities of keeping the skin hydrated cannot be ignored.
Things to know about Glycerin:
Glycerin is a natural element that has the power to draw water to the upper layer of our skin from the deeper layers of the skin.It is a natural moisturizer and humectant obtained from vegetable oils and animal fats.The other name of Glycerin is Glycerol.It has no odour or colour,it is a colourless natural element.
In skincare essentials, glycerin is mainly used with occlusives, another type of moisturising agent to lock the moisture it draws into the skin. Glycerin is the most effective humectant available naturally to enhance hydration on the top layer of the skin. It is an all rounder with the abilty to retain moisture, glycerin is used in every single product, from moisturizers, face washes ,toners etc.It moisturizes the skin from deep within and helps to protect the skin's barrier by keeping it safe from getting dry.
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Some facts about Glycerin:
➡It is a hydrator.
➡It benefits the skin by keeping it moisturized,it helps us to gain smooth,soft and dewy skin.
➡Glycerin is safe for all skin types.
➡We can use it topically multiple times a day.
➡It can be used in combination with hyalyronic acid and rose water.
Benefits of Glycerin for skin:
Glycerin is good at restoring,repairing and healing the skin.It protects the skin from.dangerous pathogens.It reduces the dry pathches caused by eczema and psoriasis as it is good emollient and has the ability to soften the skin.Glycerin is a very good humectant for skin,it supports the skin to secure moisture.it increases hydration and make the skin's surface soft from within.
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Skin Healing Benefits:
➡Glycerin soothes and calms irritated skin and is gentle on sensitive skin and helps relieve skin irritation.
➡Glycerin makes the skin plump and supple,it also tighten and firms the skin.
➡Glycerin keeps the skin safe from the pollution and toxins by playing the role of a barrier.
➡Glycerin has the natural power of hydrating and rejuvenating the skin,it supports the skin to stay: smooth, supple, radiant, and bright.
➡Glycerin is non-comedogenic,it helps to unclog pores and fight acne breakouts.
Are there any side effects of glycerin:
Glycerin is commonly used in many skincare products and there are no known side effects of it,It is a safe ingedient for all skin types.But it can cause allergic reaction if used in high concentrations.Irritation and allergic reactions can take place if it is mixed with any other product which is not suitable for any specific type.
Glycerin is a multi tasking ingredient that helps in delaying the signs of premature ageing,fights wrinkles and vanishes fine lines.It brings the skin's natural moisture to the outer layer and makes it young and energetic.It can do wonders to the skin by enhancing its beauty and radiance,so always look for products in which Glycerin is present.
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