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Antioxidants the helpful source of delaying cell damage and storing collagen.

We often hear words like antioxidant oxidative stress free radicals and reactive oxygen species thrown around all the time in skincare and diet and supplements ,what do they all mean?  One of the ways in which your body ages is through oxidative stress which is a fancy way of saying free radical damage.Everything in this world that we currently see with our eyes,feel and even smell are made of molecules or single atoms.Floating around, doing their thing that includes the air that we breathe, and our skin obviously.When we take a look at atoms, they are made up of a pair of electrons that circle around a shell,normal ones will have two,but sometimes one of these electrons is missing, and that's what we're referring to when we talk about free radicals.So what this means now is that it's moving in a radical and destructive way because it doesn't have a paired electron.Free radicals in nature tend to destroy things.

When we take a look at atoms,they are made up of a pair of electrons that circle
around a shell.Normal ones will have two,but sometimes one of these electrons is missing, and that's what we're referring to when we talk about free radicals.So what this means now is that it's moving in a radical and destructive way because it doesn't have a paired electron.So simply put, free radicals in nature tend to destroy things.But, we actually need a certain amount of free radicals in our bodies to live,because our body's ability to turn the air that we breathe,and the food that we eat into energy actually depends on free radicals, because it's part of our immune system.Which is why a healthy body has a balance , always a balance of good and bad chemicals to do its job.So back to the atom with the missing electron, what does it do?It needs to find another electron to make it whole again.How does it do this? By stealing from other healthy atoms.So when we think about this in terms of what's actually happening on our skin,when they're stealing from other healthy atoms on the skin,it creates a chain reaction of free radicals that are created that multiply,because when the atom that gets stolen from also loses an electron  etc.It's like a chaineffect and actually aging itself has been defined as the gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.So the body now has an excess number of free radicals and damaged healthy cells.What happens to your body then? It will undergo a thing called oxidative stress.So oxidative stress is a destructive process that damages proteins and lipids,all which are found on the surface layers of our skin, that are really good for your body. Basically destroy the good things in the body by changing their structures or causing them to mutate.This is where For our skin, oxidative stress can cause collagen to break down, and also trigger inflammation in and outside our bodies. We're all completely made of cells.So if cells are damaged, we are damaged. 

What are Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are helpful in preventing diseases and skin damage. They are the molecules that fight against the free radicals in our body. If the level of free radicals turn so high they can become harmful. Antioxidants are there in our body to provide us a Shield against these free radicals. Antioxidants and naturally present in our body, dr also present in many foods,fruits and vegetables.Vitamin E and C are good examples of antioxidants. The help in delaying the process of cell damage.

Benefits of Antioxidants for our skin:

Antioxidants are essential ingredients for our skincare.They can do wonders for our skin and it is best to include them in our skincare regime.
Antioxidants are there for us for protecting our skin from free radicals that can damage our skin and they also support the skin to stay safe from the exposure of these free radicals.Apart from that Antioxidants has the power of providing the skin the required glow and keeping it healthy.

Important things to know about Antioxidants:
For the overall health of our skin antioxidants play a vital role,they fight against the free radicals that can damage the cells.Antioxidants are derived by the nature or can be synthesized in a lab.Vitamin E,Beta carotene and green tea catechins are some examples of Antioxidants.

A shield against the free radicals :
Without the presence of antioxidants your skin lose the ability to fight against the free radicals that bring a lot of damage to your skin.Antioxidants provide a shield against these damage causing free radicals.

How free radicals damage your skin:
Free radicals are molecules that can damage your skin resulting in premature ageing signs and premature wrinkles and many other skin issues.Pollution,excessive exposure to sun are some of the causes that increases the chances of free radicals to attack us.Antioxidants are there to help us when our skin when skin is attacked by the free radicals.

The process through which Antioxidants help us:
Antioxidants have the capabilty of keeping us safe from these free radicals.Topical antioxidants help us to fight against oxidative stress.They help us in maintaining the youth of skin.

Antioxidants reverse the signs of photoageing:
Antioxidants can reverse the signs of photoageing,which is caused by excessive exposure to sun.Antioxidants target the issues like malasma,hyperpigmentation and sunspots.

A prevention against the production of excessive melanin:
Antioxidants prevent the skin from production of excessive melanin,they keep the skin even and increase glow.

The production of collagen:
The collagen production decreases with time.Antioxidants help the skin to maintain the collagen production as much as they can. All the antioxidants cannot help the collagen formation,by using these antioxidants,we can help our skin in storing the collagen for a longer time by preventing it by getting low by the free radicals.

How Antioxidants should be used your skincare regime:
Antioxidants are available in variety of skincare products. A variety of skincare products are there according to different skin conditions.There are many serums,moisturizers,facial oils available,you just have to be wise enough to choose the correct one according to your skin type and condition.

The plus point of Antioxidants in your skincare products:
Antioxidants are not like retinols or exfoliants as they do not harm your skin,if you overuse them.

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